Fort Des Moines Rangers
We have locked in the 3rd Saturday of the month for November, December, January, and February to shoot at CrossRoads in Johnston. These dates are:
November 16
December 21
January 18
February 15
We will follow our now established routine of meeting at the back door of the store between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM. We will get in and set up the range and shoot from 8:00 ish to noon.
Please remember that payment for these matches go to CrossRoads and you must fill out a release with them to shoot at their facility.
Here is the link for you to go in and complete the waiver in advance of showing up to shoot. IT will save you time
Their website -
Their waiver -
Cactus Clark
Type your paragraph here.
Registration Form are now available for the 2025 Iowa / Nebraska State Shoot
This event will be held again at Coyote Gulch, the home of the Fort Des Moines Rangers over Memorial Day Weekend, May 23,24, and 25.
Click herefor the mail in form, as we are still working on the online application
Proud to be American